These are royally good rentals. Some properties are ringed by moats and have bedrooms in castle turrets, while others sit atop Medieval prison cells and feature heated pools.
and when you how long did you stay inside the house, roughly? now that i ve seen the benefit of these records, i was in there several minutes. obviously were you surprised that paul and maggie had not made it back to the house? you know, i don t know surprised is the right word. i thought they would have been back by then, you know. but did it cause me to go into any wasn t like i was shocked. but i thought they would be there. i distinctly remember, you know, i went and looked. sometimes i was very hot natured, number one, i was hot, i was heavy and taking pills. so i was always hot. maggie was always cold. sometimes she would watch tv, we had a tv in the hunting room
roughly? now that i ve seen the benefit of these records, i was in there several minutes. obviously, i mean, were you surprised that paul and maggie had not made it back to the house? you know, i don t know if surprised is the right word. but, i mean, i would have i thought they would have been back by then, you know. but did it cause me to go into any wasn t like i was shocked. but i mean, i thought they would be there. i distinctly remember, you know, i went and looked, sometimes i was very hot natured, number one. i was hot. i was heavy. and i was taking pills. so i was always hot. maggie was always cold. sometimes she would watch tv. we had a tv in the hunting room. you see on the wall there.
remember, you know, i went and looked. sometimes i was very hot natured. number one, i was hot. i was heavy, and i was taking pills, and so i was always hot. maggie was always cold. sometimes she would watch tv, and we had a tv in the hunting room, and you can see it on the wall there, and sometimes maggie would be in there watching tv where she could have the thermostat different where we kept it cold in the other part of the house, and i know that i went in there and looked in there for her. it is not unusual for maggie to be taking ab bath and not able o hear me. so i know that i went there in those two places to look for her, and they weren t there, and i assumed they were still up at the kennels. so what did you do?