you wrote i found what you wrote fascinating. i want tyou to talk about it. you have a very different take. what i read from your writing is you think people are making too much of it. okay. i m just going to read one line of it. this is what the one line i picked up. there s no broader lesson for actual news organizations. the only way you will ever stop nut jobs from trafficking in lunatic conspiracy theories is by shutting down the internet. no defense for this guy. he s a nut job. prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. i was interacting with some people, some i respect a great deal who were telling me this is all caused by the fake news. i m sitting here thinking if michael flynn jr., by no stretch of the imagination should he be retweeting this, but is that what made this guy do this? do we know what did it? he assumes like he s from the yosemite school sam of investigation. he showed up with a gun, was going to start shooting people. if he hadn t done it at thi