0 on thursday the gma produce teaming up with the democrats t bring you a full hour of januar sixth white supremacist insurrection. but it wasn t. there is a lot of outstanding questions. on thursday, we will get into them in detail. we will see you then. welcome to hannity. democrats want this to be january 6th week, but they will not give you the full story. by the way, there is a lot of context and texture and a lot o things they will not be telling you about. tonight, we are going to give you the vital information about what happened on january 6th, what happened on january 4th. we will tell you why the democrats are not serious about preventing something like this from ever happening again. just like they ignored the riot in 2020. they are mostly peaceful. okay. tell that to the thousands and injured cops, the dozens of dea americans and the billions in property damage that people suffered. democrats will purposefully omi details on what happened on the sixth and before the sixt
there s nothing a u.s. president, the most powerful in the country in the world nothing he could do about it, nothing? it s all in putin s hands? are we just imagining our previous energy independence hunter trump? that s what biden wants you to believe. it s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production. it s simply not true. laura: except that s precisely what he did do. he halted new drilling, he issued fewer permits, he ditched the big alaska oil project, he suspended leases in and canceled keystone xl. that s what has us behind the eight ball and because solar and wind don t run america we are more dependent on despotic regimes and under trump. enter the new plans, boycott russia, buy venezuela. that is brilliant.
After ignoring the story during their morning news shows, all three evening newscasts (ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, & NBC Nightly News) continued their omission of the latest scandal surrounding Hunter Biden, as a new report out shows the
hunter biden. how long do you think folks the coverage that it is receiving right now. it has nothing to do with the president. this is hunter biden. these are his business dealings. i am confident that the justice department will investigate them and it will be independent. i would point out that we do not have to guess what would happen if his name was hunter trump. the trump kids flaunted laws and came very close to committing crimes while they were in the white house. did they make millions of dollars in ukraine, in china? i ve all caps flew to china as a white house employee. [inaudible] we will let you guys slug it out during the break. jeff and jonathan, thank you very much. chief of russia space agency announcing he has submitted a
they protected him. imagine if his name was hunter smith or hunter trump. a much different situation. we don t even know where the hunter biden laptop is. the fbi does not even know where it is. hunter biden committed crimes, in my view, shaking down all of these foreign countries. he has no knowledge. why was he given this position? he has no special dealings in china. why was he giving all these millions of dollars. it is shameful that he was trading on the name. he was protected. the truth needs to come out about hunter biden and it could point to the big guy and that is of course connections with joe biden. i hope we will see a serious investigation, a serious look at whether crimes were committed. if this were any other person, i think we would ve already seen indictments and this would have already blown out months and months ago. the protections in place for