A new survey led by researchers from North Carolina State University found that the future of hunting in the United States might look different than it has in the past.
The Journal of Wildlife Management, researchers reported findings from a nationwide survey of college students interest and participation in hunting. They found current, active hunters were more likely to be white, male and from rural areas, and to have family members who hunted. But they also found a group of potential hunters - with no hunting experience but an interest in trying it - who were more diverse in terms of gender, race and ethnicity.
Tick tock, tick season is coming. What you need to know.
Statewide Tick Surveillance
Anyone who spends time outdoors has likely encountered ticks and has read news articles discussing tickborne illnesses. You likely wondered how prevalent are ticks across the state, what is the risk to humans of tickborne illnesses, and what steps we can take to mitigate and prevent our interactions with ticks. Today, we hope to provide some answers to these questions. Recently, we sat down and talked with Dr. Holly Tuten, a Vector Ecologist working out of the University of Illinois’ Illinois Natural History Survey’s Medical Entomology Lab, to discuss ticks, tickborne illnesses, and prevention strategies.
Remote Scouting Series: Reading and Understanding Topographic Maps
As much of Illinois is experiencing substantial snowfall and below average temperatures many of us are hunkered down inside waiting for the eventual onset of spring. As a hunter, I like to take this time to clean and organize my gear, practice my turkey calling skills, and spend time developing a plan for my scouting efforts for the upcoming turkey season. With recent technological advancements hunters now have modern tools that can aid in the hunt-planning and scouting process.
Remote scouting is a technique that utilizes modern technology to better understand and predict how wildlife moves across the landscape. Remote scouting does not replace field scouting efforts but is best used in conjunction with field scouting and can create a feedback loop influencing your afield scouting efforts. Over the next few weeks, we will dive into remote scouting strategies, map-reading, and developing a scouting plan. This week,