Apiam Animal Health Limited (ASX:AHX) is pleased to announce the acquisition of two mixed animal veterinary businesses in strategic NSW regions (the Acquisitions), for total consideration of $11.2 million.
Apiam Animal Health Limited (ASX:AHX) is pleased to announce that it has completed the settlement of Hunter Equine Centre Pty Ltd (Hunter Equine Centre, HEC), a dedicated equine veterinary business located in the Upper Hunter Valley region of NSW.
Apiam Animal Health Limited is pleased to announce that it has completed the settlement of Hunter Equine Centre Pty Ltd , a dedicated equine veterinary business located in the Upper Hunter Valley. | December 11, 2022
Apiam Animal Health Limited (ASX:AHX) is pleased to announce the acquisition of Hunter Equine Centre Pty Ltd (Hunter Equine Centre (HEC), the Acquisition), a dedicated equine veterinary business located in the Upper Hunter Valley region of NSW.