bad guy being caught and being convicted or incarcerated, crim goes up. they may be criminals, but they are not stupid. we showed this earlier in th program. hunter biden naked. we are told and i read one report they said it s a. we cannot confirm that. he was with the woman and had his gun out. i am listening to joe biden lecture the country about guns and i m thinking for gods sake, joe, to use his words, why don you get your son to handle a firearm a little bit more safely . maybe you shouldn t put the firearm in a dumpster near a school. how come he is not in jail? absolutely. the gun issue is a political football. all they want to use the gun issue to ride it threw the election. let me give you some facts abou guns. last year there were 693 mass shootings. we had 20220 right now in america. americans claim to be the champion of the american people.