Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Creator Presents at Academy of Science
Katalin Karikó, the famous Hungarian biochemist who was crucial in the creation of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, held a presentation at the 194th conference of the Hungarian Academy of Science (MTA) on Monday. Her speech mostly focused on her scientific works, so for better understanding we’ve complemented that with personal details of her career, with the help of a publication by Wired Magazine.
The focus of her presentation was on the creation of messenger RNA therapy, but she also spoke about her experience as a researcher and student in Hungary.
An Ambitious Endeavor from the Beginning
Into Another Channel? Literature and Politics in Hungary
Gábor Schein, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the essay below, translated from Hungarian by Ottilie Mulzet, Gábor Schein discusses the impact Hungary s recent political developments have had on the country s literary landscape.
Again and again in Eastern Europe, previous generations with their mute, often invisible tragedies suffered the truth of these lines by Anna Akhmatova:
I, like a river,
I am a substitute. My life has flowed
Into another channel from Northern Elegies, trans. D. M. Thomas
The poet who spoke these lines demonstrates to all that an individual, seemingly powerless and alone if she is free to the depths of her soul can nonetheless defy power, with its tanklike arrogance, its warlike cynicism. And yet she says that her life has been turned aside by this harsh age ; she is a substitute. Akhmatova never intended to become a symbol of unbending integrity, of solitary people mourning friends and l
IMAGE: The Alpha Generation Lab of Diagnostics and Therapy Excellence Programme at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) studies how the use of digital devices affects children s cognitive and socio-emotional development.. view more
Credit: Photo: Alpha Generation Lab / Eötvös Loránd University
What can you see on this picture (next to thearticle)? Say what comes to your mind immediately!
If you said „star , you focus rather on the details, if you said „sun , then rather on the global pattern.
People can be different in whether they typically see the forest or the trees, but the dominant attentional mode is focusing first on the whole, and then on the details. This is the same with children. Or so it has been until now! Children of the Alpha Generation (who has been born after 2010) typically grow up with mobile devices in their hands which seems to change how they perceive the world, as Hungarian researchers showed.