Kangana Ranaut-starrer Dhaakad will be released in four languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam on May 27. This is Kangana's second pan-India outing after the Thalaivii, based on the life of Jayalalitha. Kangana says: "The film had to be made on a certain scale that had to be tailored to the vast vision of its makers. India has never seen a women action entertainer of
Kangana Ranaut-starrer Dhaakad will be released in four languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.This is Kangana s second pan-India outing after the Thalaivi , based on the life of Jayalalitha.Kangana says: "The film had to be .
Kangana Ranaut starrer Dhaakad to release in cinemas on May 27 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. Bollywood News: Latest Bollywood News, Bollywood News Today, Bollywood Celebrity News, Breaking News, Celeb News, Celebrities News, Bollywood News Hindi, Hindi Bollywood News at Bollywood Hungama.com.