Hello darling you look beautiful today would you be a sweetheart and fetch me a coffee many women hear this kind of remark day in day out in the office and then theres the touch the lift the hand on the knee the uninvited kiss at the Office Christmas party after revelations about Harvey Weinsteins alleged string of sexual offenses more and more women are now coming forward and talking about everyday sexism they have experienced mostly in the workplace well come to made in germany. Under the hash tag me two more and more women are sharing their experiences from inappropriate male behavior to outright Sexual Harassment as a man of course you ask yourself whats wrong with us and advice ever done or said something that made a female colleague uncomfortable ever witnessed and just laughed it off and my part of the problem or is this all a bit exaggerated as hash tag campaigns often are well i recommend you ask your sister or a female colleague at work you might find that this kind of male b