Where the illnesses found. Of course, the gravity of the situation as has been described by panelists leaves no doubt about the vital need for the International Community to undertake urgent action in order to reverse the current trend. As you said, mr. President , at present the time has come for specific actions. We need to act quickly. Not only to suppress the spread of the disease, not only to save human lives while theres still time, but also and especially in order to maintain stability and the gains of the last few years. As part of peace building and social peace. It is essential for unmeer, the u. N. Mission, to be deployed as quickly as possible so that it can respond effectively to the most pressing needs of the affected countries. In our opinion, this mission should also help build local health capacities, as was said, through making available mobile hospitals, helicopters, protected vehicles and qualified medical workers and older to take care of sick people. Therefore, le
The claim: Image shows a pigeon visiting an elderly hospital patient
A viral image circulating on Facebook purportedly taken by a nurse claims to show a pigeon visiting a hospital patient because the patient s family never came to see him.
The post claims that a pigeon would come visit the patient every two days, sit in his bed for a while and then fly away. We then found out that this patient sits on a bench in a park near the hospital every day and feeds the pigeons there. This once again showed us that animals have a better heart than humans, reads a Jan. 24 Facebook post from the page Like if you love animals. It includes a photo of a man sleeping on a hospital bed, next to an open window, with a pigeon sitting on top of him. The image has over 3,800 shares and 7,000 reactions.