Dr. Thomas Insel, author of “Healing: Our Path from Mental Illness to Mental Health,” will offer a plan to fix what he calls the nation’s failing mental health system and
Digital support
Research published today shows how digital providers are coming together to support the mental health needs of millions of users unable to access traditional services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the first time ever, digital providers and experts from over 20 countries have gathered a staggering number of insights about mental health during the pandemic from potentially upwards of 50 million users worldwide.
The study, published in
Frontiers in Digital Health and led by Dr Becky Inkster from the University of Cambridge, included a range of digital services, such as patient-to-clinician platforms, digitally-enabled treatments, mental health and wellbeing apps, chatbots and social support networks. It also included insights from financial services providers, and other digital sources, such as the dark web and dark net markets.
A road map from our nation’s experts to transform the mental health system | Opinion
Updated Dec 16, 2020;
Posted Dec 16, 2020
Dr. Thomas R. Insel, the former director of the National Institute of Mental Health, and former U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy have announced that the leaders of the nation’s 14 leading advocacy groups and professional organizations began meeting early in 2020 in emergency session to generate proposals to address the new wave of need in the mental health field. Their combined expertise created a unified vision statement for transforming mental health and substance abuse care. And, for the first time, they say there is agreement among all stakeholders about what must be done.