what is your take? there are times when speaking from the roof tops are required. when bill clinton delinked most favored nation status, that was the beginning of a spiraling down in terms of human rights protections in china. they are nonexistent today. and in cheng s case, a man that defended women from the crime against humanity called forced abortion. this man has suffered and his wife. our collective hope is that he will soon be safe right here in new york protected as part of nyu about s offer. all the others, the idea of saving face can be used i think disproportionately to silence and gag our response. yes, it needs to be done sometimes in a nuanced way but we have been so nuanced as to be awol and absent.
council. some of the claims made today, as you ve articulated, in the council session are countries like mexico that say we racially profile, china criticizing we haven t become parties to international treaties on the rights of women and children, russia wallets us to eliminate wants us to eliminate the death penalty. it s sort of the naming and shaming of the united states in a venue that isn t the most reasonable in the world. jon: ted, it seems a little disingenuous for a nation like china to be criticizing the u.s. over human rights? well, it s important to remember that every country submits to this review process, not just members of the human rights council. so countries in which we disagree about human rights like china and iran submit to it but also allies, the united states, israel and others. and i agree that the council has not been a productive place to advance real human rights protections for people on the