provide a way for this entire situation to find the road to de-escalation. the united states is ready to work with all parties to make that happen and to make it happen as soon as possible. we renew our call for russia to speak directly with the government of ukraine, to send troops back to their bases and to welcome international observers and human rights monitors and we ve seen today what happened with special envoy sirry, just how important it is to ensure the safety of those monitors and of those observers. ukraine s territorial integrity must be restored and must be respected. from lebanon to ukraine, the united states stands ready to help our friends in a time of need. and today, those needs, obviously, are great in different places, different
putin didn t act wise. let s find him way to save face. we can bring in human rights monitors and they can withdraw. how wouldia you cap that? a friend of mine summed it up well, this idea why going to negotiate putin out of ukraine, said you cannot hunt a bear with an accordion. it is just astonishing to me, the president and secretary kerry can be so delusional. they are saying everything will be okay if we talk it out. this isn t a group therapy world. putin reminded us that force
russia and with our friends and allies in an effort to provide a way for this entire situation to find the road to deescalation. the united states is ready to work with all parties to make that happen. to make it happen as soon as possible. we renew our call for russia to speak directly to the government of ukraine to send troops back to their bases and to welcome international observers in human rights monitors. we have seen today with what happened with special envoyer issy, just how important it is to ensure the safety of those monitors and observers. ukraine s territorial integrity must be restored and must be respected. the united states stands ready to help our friends in a time of need.
and we are committed to working with russia. together with our friends and allies, in an effort to provide a way for this entire situation to find a road to deescalation. the united states is ready to work with all parties to make that happen. and to make it happen as soon as possible. we renew our call for russia to speak directly with the government of ukraine, to send troops back to their bases and to welcome international observers and human rights monitors, and we ve seen today with what happened with special envoy seri just how important it is to ensure the safety of those monitors and of those observers. ukraine s territorial integrity must be restored and must be respected. from lebanon to ukraine, the united states stands ready to help our friends in a time of
the solution to this crisis is not difficult to envision. there is a way out. and that is through direct and immediate dialogue by russia, with the government of ukraine, the immediate pullback of russia s military forces, the restoration of ukraine are s territorial integrity and the urgent deployment of observers and human rights monitors, not through more threats and more distortions. tonight the osce will de monitors to ukraine and they can provide neutral and need assessments of the situation on the ground. their presence is needed in crimea and key cities in ukraine. the united states calls upon rich to make sure they re access is not impeded. the leadership in moscow may be unhappy about the former president s decision to flee ukraine and move in with them. russia may be displeased with the new government, which was approved by ukraine s parliament by an overwhelming majority,