/PRNewswire/ However, there exists another tool involving the gut microbiome (GM) which plays a significant role in supporting all RM tools both directly.
difference between normal sometimes a little bit of discomfort or a trace and of the of the stool of the bone movements is that these patients have a significantly impairment of quality of life due to the severity of the frequency of this. suspect that one of my patients has always hindered my consent i m over to you and you check for this yes what we do is we have to see if the so-called wrong criteria for phil that means the patient has more than three months of these kind of symptoms and we have to exclude other possible reasons for the symptoms of the g.i. diseases or other of the g.i. function so what kind of other diseases can mask and. the effects us which can be used in your symptoms similar to. dietary factors inflammatory bowel disease q moans infections. psychological diseases as well
exits. it s the link between the central nervous system and the g.i. tract which is mediated by nerves and by hormones and by the system effects of emotions on. a mediated so if we take a look at the irritable bowel syndrome it s this is psychological disease you know it s not a psychological disease despite the fact that the psychological effect as strong emotions can induce symptoms to dr dre sions of geoff functions which resemble there are two of ours and drum the problem of ideas is in the gut or in the brain that texas it s not a psychological disease ok and then what are the main thing is immense income stuff into bars and from pain and eye to agents of ball function this is constipation or diarrhea and sometimes also a distant so those are normal regulatory functions like cancer patients they re about those are accepted rated patients with irritable bowel disease is right the