Pornography has been with us as long as we ve had art, and it ll never go away. It s a storied and varied avenue of individual expression. WEH just plain sucks at it.
Nick, I feel like there s been a dark presence looming over This Week In Anime this season, haunting every corner with its terrifying inevitability. And I fear it s finally here. We can run no longer.
It s time to talk about the
Jun Maeda gremlin show.
It s actually good we took so long to get to this show, because with Christmas on the horizon it s the perfect chance to remind everyone the Reason for the Season: insatiable toddler monsters.
I can t speak for the Son of God Himself, but I know if I were tiny Jesus, I would absolutely be running around rubbing my divinity in everyone else s faces, so I can certainly feel that degree of kinship with Hin sorry,