End to the reduction in violence that paved the way for the agreement that was signed on saturday. See thats the real world equivalent of the bean putting daniel bryan through a table after signing the deal thats the real world version except tragically in this real world version the violence after that the tricks isnt staged and actual lives are at stake as historian and writer Stephen Wirth time points out americas fantasies of what it could achieve in the war even after it became a washington cliche of the war had no military solution consigned thousands to needless deaths this is no peace deal my friends this is just more of the tricks designed to confuse you distract you and ultimately steal your tax dollars for the military Industrial Complex and your vote for the put up puppet politicians and that my friends is why we are watching hogs. On a city street. That are so youd like to see that this is your choice just state and see a rolls royce gracie say did slaves systemic dissent
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