someone is lying. the only question is this is it joe, or is it hunter? the house ways and means i committes ite obtained a july 3, 2017 whatsapp message betweenese hunter biden and cfc china energy offician l henry zell. watch what hunter wrote. hu s kind of hard to reah whdat becausnte hunter has a pretty od way of texting. i wonder why. i wonder what he was on. i m sitting here with my fatherd and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. tell the director that i would love the dirr to resolve this e it gets out of and now means to night and z. a if i get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than using or the chairman, i will make certain thatxt t between the man sitting next to me and every person he knoweo and my ability to forever hold h a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting herefo, wait for it, waiting for the call with my father. sounds like a shakedown. three references to h
are human rights and human and first for everyone, right? we re humans. we re human. we aren? h you huma yes, we are human. and we got to take care ofe humans. congresswomacare on, do trans rs comes but come before women s rights. trans rights are human rights, period. if boys have a right to competgs against girls in high school sports, then should we repeairll title nine? trans rights are human rights. qum. i don t want to answer the question. trans rights are humans rights. that s trans the position of the squad and the democrat party. e democrats takeht precedence over women s rights? no. liberal will never answer that w i question. joining me now, tulsi gabbard. she s a former presidential candidat formee. she joins us. trans rights are humans rightsft . where are the feminists here? that s a great, grearet questiow kayla. you know, two things i want to point out it to pn their repetition of that mantra, trans rights are human rights. s rightss rights are also human rights.