Veteran Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia, who shot to fame at the age of 14 with her movie, 'Bobby', is creating headlines these days for the web series 'Saas, Bahu aur Flamingo' in which she is sharing screen space with emerging faces of the entertainment industry including Radhika Madan, Isha Talwar, and Angira Dhar. |
Veteran Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia, who will be seen playing the role of a matriarch Savitri in the web series ‘Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo’, has spoken about how the portrayal of women is changing.
Veteran Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia, who will be seen playing the role of a matriarch Savitri in the web series 'Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo', has spoken about how the portrayal of women is changing with time and they are shown to be more .
Veteran Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia, who will be seen playing the role of a matriarch Savitri in the web series 'Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo', has spoken about how the portrayal of women is changing with time and they are shown to be more bold.
She is playing the role of a woman, Savitri, who runs a company and uses it as a cover for her drug business. She is the most important female person of the family which consists of four women including her two daughters-in-law and a daughter.The