Number. Fell. We know what went on there. There were some other headwinds that are going to persist into the Second Quarter. To everybody is thinking, ok, the first corner was bad. Arent things looking up . A couple of Different Things going on. The company is still seeing a lot of currency headwinds because it has a Big International business. Health care costs have been going up. Not Just Health Care inflation, but also enrollment of berries and ploys and Health Care Plans have been higher than anticipated. There is the continuing effect the food stamps program. All of these things are still happening. In the Second Quarter, they will take a toll. Is anything going to change . Like it. S not sound unless you look at the comparable sales numbers. ,ou will find the u. S. Business those trends are starting to improve. It will be interesting to see the disconnect in the Second Quarter when the number ends up coming out between that sales number. Are they seeing more traffic or more peopl