Deciding to buy a bar while having no experience in working behind one was a risk that Dick Delany decided he and his wife needed to take.
Having spent all his years working as an accountant, he found himself out of work, for a year and with a young family to look after, he took the plunge with wife Una (nee Coffey from Inchicore) and four children and bought the Neptune Bar in Blackrock and started an adventure that lasted 25 years.
Dick, a self taught accountant had been working solidly down through the years with the likes of CRV and was an accountant/MD for American companies like Weinberg and Steadfast, had cut the ties and found himself unemployed for the first time in his life. After nearly a year on the register he made an approach to the owner of the Neptune Bar in Blackrock Meta Casey and became the proud owner in March 1990.