Democrats in control of New York’s Assembly said they would not expel new Republican lawmaker Lester Chang “at this time,” despite their questions over.
Chang, who defeated longtime Democratic Assemblyman Peter Abbate last month, testified at a Judiciary Committee hearing held as part of an Assembly probe into whether he truly lived in Brooklyn for at least a year prior to Election Day as required by law.
the record straight. the supreme court hearing for judge sonia sotomayor will begin july 13 but my consideration will not begin then. i began considering her the day she was announced because as a member of the judiciary committee i want to learn as much as i can about president obama s choice to fill one of the most important jobs in our country. even though there are many questions that will be asked and many areas that we will want to focus on, i would like to speak today about how judge sotomayor appears to me, based on my initial review. after meeting with her and learning about her, i m very positive about her nomination. judge sotomayor knows the constitution, she knows the law, but she also knows america. i know americans have heard a lot of things about her her background, her long career as a judge but it is really important for us to talk about what is solid nominee she is, because we have to keep in mind that there have been some accusations, some misstatement