These stories by Hugh Fullerton were included in a column titled "Umpires I Have Known" that appeared in the Sunday edition of the Chicago Tribune on Nov. 26, 1905.
(Paragraph breaks added for.
Hugh Fullerton's first byline in the Chicago Tribune came in January of 1905, in the "Worker's Magazine" section of its Sunday edition.
The section, promoted as "For the man who works with hand or.
Hugh Fullerton was not just a sports writer.
One afternoon, he was a hitter; another, a surgeon as described in these excerpts from a column of his reminiscences titled "Jealousy Among Baseball.
Many aspects of baseball have been part of the game for so long that they are taken for granted.
Case in point: the "batter's eye," the area beyond the center field fence, usually dark green, that.
"Analytics" are all the rage in baseball these days, among front offices, writers and fans.
Proving once more that everything old is new again, here, in full, is an analytical column by Hugh.