While the true extent of the 2020 matric examination leaks might never be known, officials investigating these irregularities are emphatic that the exams have not been compromised.
FULL SPEECH: Angie Motshekga on SA schools readiness for start of academic year Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga on Sunday briefed media on the state of readiness for public schools, which were expected to officially reopen on Monday following a two-week delay. Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga. Picture: GCIS.
Director-General, Mr Mathanzima Mweli and his team
Members of the Media and everybody watching at home.
Good afternoon!
It has been three weeks, since we started phasing-in the reopening of schools for the year 2021. School Management Teams returned on 25 January; and teachers have been back at work for two weeks now, since 01 February.
One of the exams had leaked from one of the government s printers.
A probe by a task team found given the fact the spread of the leakages were via WhatsApp, their full extent could not be uncovered.
The investigating team found there was no widespread leak and candidates scripts and the integrity of the combined exams were not compromised.
A report conducted by the Department of Basic Education s National Investigations Task Team has concluded there was no widespread leaking of the National Senior Certificate Mathematics Paper 2 and Physical Sciences Paper 2 last year.
The investigation, which was instituted by the National Examinations Irregularities Committee after reports of leaks during the examination period last year, focused on, among others, investigative marking, verification and statistical analysis of marks.
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Jacaranda FM News
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Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga briefed the media on Sunday ahead of the reopening of public schools.
Public schools will open their doors on Monday after the start of the academic year was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read the minister’s full statement:
It has been three weeks, since we started phasing-in the reopening of schools for the year 2021. School Management Teams returned on 25 January; and teachers have been back at work for two weeks now, since 01 February.
The latest Amended School Calendar for 2021 as published by the Department, confirms that tomorrow – Monday, February 15, learners are going back to school. At the outset, we must emphasise that the health and safety of teachers, staff and learners remains at the top of the priority list.
An investigation by the National Investigations Task Team has found that although matric exam papers for mathematics and physics were leaked, the overall 2020 examinations were not compromised.