Stretchy material, high quality fabrics and adjustable styles from brands like Hanna Andersson and Oliver & Rain that can last you beyond the three-month mark.
Parents are seeing positive changes in their kids as they go back to in-person learning.
Like millions of other kids around the country, my second-grade son has been fully remote learning since last March. Ask any caregiver and they’ll nod in agreement: It’s been awful, and that’s a terrific understatement. 2020 was hard on everyone, but it was particularly hard on kids.
And like so many other kids, he’s been acting out, regressing and simply not himself for, well, roughly a year. Which makes sense ― we’re in a pandemic and at a critical age he’s been cut off from his lifelines!
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Seemingly every aspect of the holiday season is different this year, so it’s only natural that the family holiday card tradition would change a bit as well.
In lieu of picture-perfect photos, many families are getting creative with their holiday cards ― from Zoom themes to dumpster fire jokes to truly candid snapshots.
We asked the HuffPost Parents Facebook community to share their 2020 mailers. Keep scrolling for a hilarious (and earnest) sample of holiday cards that sum up this year.
Courtesy of Elizabeth Rettig Konczal At least my kids will remember this Christmas . Yeah, remember when Mom made us pose by a dumpster??