p do we have any announcements . Yes mr. Chair documents to be included. Submitted to the clerk will appear on the may 12th. Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you please call item number 1. For exclusive use in west cargo video 632 on plot nine with annest maded 6. 4 million to 31 year options to extend. Ks very much. First i would like to apoll scombriez for the confusion on these items last week thank you for continuing so i could be here today. The idem before you seeks your approval with a new 3 threeyear lease for 50 thousand 3 hundred 19 square foot in the cargo building as well as related buildings on plot nine for Cargo Services for operating sayss for sfo the proposed lease has three options to extend payable to the airport of 7. 5 million 7. 5 million of the entire lease term they approvaled a new agreement. In october of 2014 for 36 thousand and 12 square foot mense subsequently requested for the extended square faith of 50 thousand 3 hundred square
Clerk will appear on the may 12th. Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you please call item number 1. For exclusive use in west cargo video 632 on plot nine with annest maded 6. 4 million to 31 year options to extend. Ks very much. First i would like to apoll scombriez for the confusion on these items last week thank you for continuing so i could be here today. The idem before you seeks your approval with a new 3 threeyear lease for 50 thousand 3 hundred 19 square foot in the cargo building as well as related buildings on plot nine for Cargo Services for operating sayss for sfo the proposed lease has three options to extend payable to the airport of 7. 5 million 7. 5 million of the entire lease term they approvaled a new agreement. In october of 2014 for 36 thousand and 12 square foot mense subsequently requested for the extended square faith of 50 thousand 3 hundred square feet before i today the budget annual lis recommends correction of the lease and the resol
Public comment, oit em 7 . Okay, seeing none, Public Comment is closed on item 7, moving on to item 8 which is general Public Comment. And all right. Jonathan rose with the mta and i never do general Public Comment and so since this will be my last plans and programs meeting as part of it, i have a fantastic team that will be replacing me, thank you to the commissioners and i worked with four plans and committee and more than 60 of these meetings and i think that what often does not happen with a role like mine is that we dont take the time to thank the Authority Staff and i want to say that david and tilly and maria are awesome and there is often not a day that i do not talk to one of these people over here and there are 7 00 a. M. Kitchen calls about the issues and we do Work Together as a team and i think that there will be great things between the mta and the authority in the upcoming years and there is definitely work to do and they are working on improving the allegation process
The termination fee proposed of 198 thousand. However airport does not anticipate overall loss in revenue as we have lined up a replacement ten innocent that will come to you in the form of modification to the current lease of the hudson group you will see that in the couple weeks the budget analysis dots recommend approval i will go to questions. Thank you why dont we go to your repo what really relats to this ledgelation is the feed in program thats an offering we will set a price for purchase of power for Renewable Resources that are generated locally we will take any offers from the marketplace we will do that under a standard form contract that we intend to dlvl. Those have been dlvled already for our Sister Community choice segregation programs clean energy sanoma clean power. Very successful way to tell the market what were interested in terms of local regional construction. I included here the schedule and key milestones just for reference. Lets talk then about what the propose
In 2003 i saw a large number of diversity studies courses, African American studies, gay lesbian stud as, Latino American studies and a number of different arts classes that appealed to me. When i started there i was working on my aa degree and 2 dance certificate that the college offered. I had to leave school a little while after that because of some family issues and my fathers health but when i returned last year found a lot of things changed. There was a dance Major Program offered there i can work tworts fwr my aa and focus more on that, but at the same time the performing arts and Education Center wasnt present and found that a lot of money was diverted from that. A number of diversity courses offered in the past were significantly lowered and i found that disheartening. At the same time i was happy to see the faculty and student seemed to be more motivated on getting more people to class. The course repeatability [inaudible] made it difficult to get the numbers up for at Risk C