HUDCO shares surged 20 per cent to scale their one-year high of Rs 207. At this price, the multibagger stock has rallied 411.11 per cent from its 52-week high of Rs 40.50, a level seen on March 29 last year.
HUDCO share price: The stock surged 18.27 per cent to hit a one-year high of Rs 162.80. It eventually settled 15.33 per cent higher at Rs 158.75. The multibagger scrip has zoomed more than 215 per cent in a year.
State-owned HUDCO has entered into a pact with the Gujarat government to invest up to Rs 14,500 crore for financing of housing and urban infrastructure projects.
HUDCO share price: The stock soared 19.63 per cent to scale their 52-week high level of Rs 136.47 in Thursday's trade. The multibagger stock has gained around 155 per cent in 2023.
Under the OFS, the government will offload seven crore equity shares, representing about 3.5% of equity with an oversubscription option of another 3.5%. Based on the base offer and oversubscription option, the government plans on selling up to 14.01 crore shares.