Letters: US should not support Israeli aggression; Despite claims to contrary, lobsters enjoyed by colonials
US should not support Israeli aggression
I am appalled and distressed with President Biden’s response to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Seventy-three years ago Palestinians were chased out of their homes into refugee camps and more than 500 villages were destroyed. Then in 1968 Israel won the Six-Day War with Jordan and took over the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza as occupied territory. They continue to take over much of that territory and build huge settlements with separate roads for Israelis and many, many checkpoints. The holy sites in Jerusalem are jointly owned by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Recently, Israel barred Palestinian Muslims from some of those sites at the end of Ramadan and are forcing families out of East Jerusalem. Quite predictably, with this provocation Gaza launched rockets (most of which missed their targets or were taken down