Tarah Young, Hubbard County UMN Extension educator, is brimming with programming ideas about pollinators, gardening, small farms and more, but she currently is contracted to work 14 hours per week.
The Alternative Learning Center (ALC) at Park Rapids Area High School offers students who are struggling many alternatives to help them reach their goals.
The Hubbard County Board set the final levy at $15,450,00, the same as last year. 10:10 am, Dec. 19, 2020
At Tuesday’s meeting, Hubbard County Auditor-Treasurer Kay Rave recommended a zero percent increase in the payable 2021 levy.
The Hubbard County Board set the final levy at $15,450,00, the same as last year. The motion passed unanimously.
The levy breaks down as follows: The general fund levy is $8,880,759. The road and bridge levy, at $3,100,000, and the social services levy, at $2,350,000, are both unchanged from last year. Debt levies include $632,835 for the county correctional facility bond and another $273,801 in general obligation bonds. The regional library levy is set at $212,605.