The Karnataka Police have booked a case against Sri Rama Sena founder Pramod Muthalik for hate speech against people of other religions, police said on Friday.
After AIMIM approached the municipal corporation seeking permission to celebrate Tipu Jayanti at the Idgah Maidan in Karnataka s Hubli, two more organisations submitted a memorandum seeking permission to celebrate Holi by installing the Kamdev statue and celebrating Onake Obavva Jayanti at the same place.
The late-night hearing took place hours after the Supreme Court set aside a High Court order allowing similar celebrations at Bengaluru’s Idgah maidan.
The Supreme Court refused to grant permission for Ganesh Puja at Idgah Maidan in Bengaluru, while the Karnataka High Court allowed Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at the Idgah ground in Hubbali-Dharwad. Here’s what happened in the top courts on Tuesday.