HTC Co. (OTCMKTS:HTCKF – Get Rating) saw a large increase in short interest in the month of March. As of March 15th, there was short interest totalling 400 shares, an increase of 100.0% from the February 28th total of 200 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 0 shares, the short-interest ratio is presently […]
There have been countless smartphones in the past two decades. But which ones stand out? Here are the 15 most important and influential smartphones ever.
on long car journeys? let s find out. the taiwanese company htc is hoping to tempt people to buy a holoride pack for their cars. it costs around 900 euros. you need a bit of kit to stick to your windscreen, a yearly subscription and a headset, of course. so, i m short sighted. 0k. do i need to wear my glasses? no worries. so, if you re short sighted, we can dial in the dioptre with the glasses for htc. i will set the dioptre up for you, so no worries. but is it worth the money when you can currently only play ten games on it? basically, i am a flying robot in the sky. i can move around within this screen. and as the car moves, the robot moves. and when we stop at lights, the robot also stops, so it is perfectly in sync with the movement of the car. that wasn t very friendly. yeah, the whole environment around you is basically generated based on map data. 0h, is it?
yeah, right? now, is this the solution to being very bored on long car journeys? let s find out. the taiwanese company htc is hoping to tempt people to buy a holoride pack for their cars. it costs around 900 euros. you need a bit of kit to stick to your windscreen, a yearly subscription and a headset, of course. so, i m short sighted. 0k. do i need to wear my glasses? no worries. so, if you re short sighted, we can dial in with the glasses for htc. i will set it up for you, so no worries. but is it worth the money when you can currently only play ten games on it? basically, i am a flying robot in the sky. i can move around within this screen. and as the car moves, the robot moves. and when we stop at lights, the robot also stops, so it is perfectly in sync with the movement of the car. that wasn t very friendly.
now, is this the solution to being very bored on long car journeys? let s find out. the taiwanese company htc is hoping to tempt people to buy a holoride pack for their cars. it costs around 900 euros. you need a bit of kit to stick to your windscreen, a yearly subscription, and a headset, of course. so, i m short sighted. do i need to wear my glasses? no worries. so if you re short sighted, we can dial in with the glasses for htc. i will set it up for you, so no worries. but is it worth the money when you can currently only play ten games on it? basically, i am a flying robot in the sky. i can move around within this screen. and as the car moves, the robot moves. and when we stop at lights, the robot also stops, so it is perfectly in sync with the movement of the car. that wasn t very friendly. the whole environment around you is basically generated based on map data.