India News: KOCHI: The Save Lakshadweep Forum, with representatives from all political parties in the archipelago, will observe Monday as a Black Day in protest a.
National law firm SLF Lawyers has hired a partner from rival Moray & Agnew to head up its workplace and safety practice. Elizabeth Aitken, who became a partner at Moray & Agnew at the age of 30 and
When justice turned Helena into a hive of activity inspiration
When justice turned Helena into a hive of activity inspiration
ONE of the three main thoroughfares out of Songea town heads south towards Mbinga town where soft-spoken Helena Kantimbo welcomes us into her quiet home situated on the upper side of the street.
Helena Kantimbo, left, who inspired other women to form an entrepreneurial group after securing the house she fought for several years to keep through legal aid.
Her backyard is a hive of activity, where several other women gather to produce home-made soap bars that, they distribute to small shops around the town. This small enterprise is Helena’s brainchild, a deliberate group initiative designed to increase her income and that of other women who need to enhance their small fortunes. In addition to soap-making, these women also raise chickens to supplement their income.