PORT ROYAL As replacement work on the Juniata River Bridge at Route 75 in Port Royal continues, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reminds pedestrians to avoid entering the work zone. This is why safety fencing, caution tape and other barricades are in place. “The work zone is off-limits to anyone except authorized personnel in […]
Local news from StateCollege.com and Centre County Partners. Read about State College Council Approves State Loan, Contractor for First Phase of Calder Way Project and more from the State College, PA region
LOCK HAVEN The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is alerting area motorists and cyclists that the Flemington Bridge on Route 150 near Lock
CLEARFIELD, Pa. (WTAJ) The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is alerting drivers that work to preserve the "Golden Rod" bridge along Route 322 will begin on Tuesday.
LOCK HAVEN The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is alerting area motorists and cyclists that the Flemington Bridge on Route 150 near Lock