i believe we win that. i believe this will be a closer election than we wanted to be. but, i believe we win that. americans did not like january six. and they we win that. and also, i believe we win on dobbs. the republican party, now, and one of the lies today was a democrat believing infanticide. right? he s had he said this. we ve gotta take it to him. i, mean hr hutchinson, said to me last night, this idea that, there is at least seven of, here getting abortions at nine months. that s not even a fact, even remotely effective. no, it s not yes, hutchinson was saying that. okay, great. well there goes. now, he maybe could win.
insurrection, and this is who he is. i believe we win that. i believe this will be a closer election than we wanted to be. but, i believe we win that. americans did not like january six. and they we win that. and also, i believe we win on dobbs. the republican party, now, and one of the lies today was a democrat believing infanticide. right? he s had he said this. we ve gotta take it to him. i, mean hr hutchinson, said to me last night, this idea that, there is at least seven of, here getting abortions at nine months. that s not even a fact, even remotely effective. no, it s not yes, hutchinson was saying that. okay, great. well there goes. now, he maybe could win. we have to go after him just go after him, we just gotta go after him. well, i m not letting you go anywhere. i ll franken, mark mckinnon,
Trans women are being told they are not wearing enough lipstick or “feminine clothing” by doctors, MPs have heard. The Women and Equalities Select Committee heard evidence on Wednesday from a variety of medical professionals and campaigners regarding gender healthcare as part of its inquiry into the reform of the Gender Recognition Act (GRA). Dr Harriet Hutchinson, community organiser at Action for Trans Health Durham, described the current processes of “attempting to prove your gender to a clinician” as a “disturbing”, “intrusive and degrading" process. In accordance with current regulations, in many cases trans people are required to live in their ‘preferred’ gender for two years in order to gain ‘real life experience’ of living and working in their preferred gender. Dr Hutchinson told the virtual hearing: “Our services users have been in appointments where they've been criticised for not we