characterization. i want to get your reaction to what it was like. hr-8 would not have stoppedmany of the circumstances i raised. but a wall a barrier on the southern border may have and that s what we re fighting for. it was the fact that we have an immigration system that allows people to come here violently. we engage in there will be no comments. is there a process in the committee,the very same people are interrupting the time of the members, that those people will be asked to depart the committee. manual oliver the man you saw standing there. he lost his son in the parkland shooting. what was that atmosphere like? i found the remarks made by that congressman deep ladisappointing. my parents are immigrants.
essentially been missing in action when it comes to being a co-equal branch of government. but that ended with the midterms. he s just a political hack. no other politician has to go through that. it s called presidential harassment. my response is it s not presidential harassment. it s congressional harassment. tempers boiled over at a house hearing on gun violence. republican congressman matt gates tried to get the parents of a murdered parkland high school student, two of them, removed. hr-8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances i raised, but a wall, a barrier on the southern border may have, and that s what we re fighting for. what i said is remember my son, remember us. then he pointed at me, like that. you don t point at me like that. my goodness. we have breaking news. the justice department has
but we have a hearing on gun violence, and walk me through one more time. five minutes in, what happens? five minutes, and i actually have it on twitter. i posted the video of the empty republican side. they left. why? they only came back to ask a question and then they would leave again. i give congressman gates credit. he was i think one of two that actually stayed around. but the rest of them, they left. what happened yesterday with congressman gates was honestly something that showed who he is and the way they think. this was a hearing on gun violence and how to prevent it. it was a hearing on things like hr-8, which is the background check bill. we expected questions to be asked around gun violence and gun safety. he went off on a tangent about i think the phrase he
guns. matt gates, a fierce al liealle the president said that immigrants are more dangerous to guns. and that did not sit well with two parents in the audience from the parkland shooting. hr8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances i raised, but a wall, a barrier on the southern border, may have, and that is what we re fighting for. mr. chairman the greatest driver of violence in the circumstances that i indicated was not the firearm, it s the fact that we have an immigration system that allows people to come here violently. we engage there will be no comments. is there a process in the
i have my first by, hr-8. hopefully with can have university background chks for gun purchasers. so my father hats been a dealer at gun shows for antique german hunting rifles, he ll say while will are all these rules for certain percentages, you can go and working with atf agents and trying to track where firearms are coming from and trying to hold people accountable for use of firearms. it very hard sometimes to track where they re coming from. this will close some of those loopholes and make sure we can better understand and also