treat this like any other case. that s a great point. that was my exact point, which is that in a state triple murder prosecution, motive is not an element, horrific on the face. but motive is not an element. in a civil rights case it has to be the person took this action specifically by virtue of a category that the person is in, racial, other prohibited category. terrorism. they did it again to effect government policy. don t need those motivations in a state court prosecution. quickly, he has a past, a hoyt in south carolina. yes. and charges that are quite different from this, but they re still crimes hemp does that play a role? i m more into that maybe from a different perspective, because what i hear you saying is people think he does not, does not have a history necessarily of anti-abortion, against peeping tom was on the list i read. right. but abortion in other words, what the experts are saying is