Dec. 14 dispositions
Violated an order prohibiting contact (Class A misdemeanor) – Lawrence Demill Murray, 42, 509 3rd Street NW, 360 days, first serve three days, credit for three days served, 360 days unsupervised probation, have no contact with certain person, $200 criminal administration fee, $100 defense/facility administration fee, $25 victim-witness fee, also violated an order prohibiting contact (Class A misdemeanor), 360 days, first serve three days, credit for three days served, 360 days unsupervised probation, have no contact with certain person.
Fled a peace officer in a motor vehicle (Class A misdemeanor) – Nathan Andrew Horn, 29, 705 8th Avenue NE, $200 criminal administration fee, $175 fine, $100 defense/facility administration fee, $25 victim-witness fee;
Fled a peace officer in a motor vehicle (Class A misdemeanor) – Isaiah James Bender, 23, 421 16th Street NW, $250 fine, $200 criminal administration fee, $100 defense/facility administration fee, $25 victim