clear, like with so many teens, these girls had not gotten the message when it comes to drugs and driving. when i think about, oh, you re not okay to get on the road, i kind of think about it more as drunk driving. if someone tells you that they ve taken any type of drugs whatsoever, you have to just say, i m not getting in a car with you. lesson learned? yeah. yes. turns out, just like these girls, more than 30% of teens don t realize that smoking pot impairs driving skills. their parents need to step in and educate their kids. says parenting expert michelle borba. she says start when they re young and keep on talking, and give examples of what can go wrong. use their world in terms of a tv show, a wonderful news article. let s go to the internet and do some searches, look for the number of car crashes of kids who were on drugs. we re going to try the test again. i m johnny. kristina. jordan.
i think the way that parents can address peer pressure is through having better communication skills, monitoring their kids more, being more disapproving of risky behavior such as drinking. reporter: we re going to dry this again, but this time we ll plant someone in the group who will resist the peer pressure and refuse to get in the car. will that make a difference? you re playing the part up to the point where you have to get in the car. yes, at the last moment. reporter: this teen, joe, will shall part of the taste testing along with our racketors and real kids. i m kimbia, i m 16. i m josh, 17. reporter: kimbia s mom says her daughter was recently in a minor car accident. the driver had been drinking. i m hoping that was a lesson for her. reporter: she says her message to her daughter about drinking and driving has been crystal clear. never get into a car when someone has been drinking. i don t believe that she will get into the car but i m not sure. reporter
no drinking and driving. so far so good. the next part is the hard part. i know. whether or not she gets in the car. i need one of you guys to drive the production van. reporter: when our producer hands joe the keys, the girls have an immediate reaction. have we finally found a group of teens who will do the right thing? it is clear by your daughter s reaction that they re having to make a major decision right now. reporter: or will they get in the car like everyone else? oh, no. coming up the girls walk out to the parking lot. the last few seconds to make the right choice. ticking away. so where is it? is it far? and then, the best advice for parents trying to keep their teens safe. when dateline continues. well. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it ll take care of your cough.
are they right? so you re going to drive? hunter has the keys. he s been instructed to do the driving. how are you feeling about this, lisa? little uncomfortable right now. the group gets up and leaves the cafeteria. there s still plenty of time for the girls to say no. how are you feeling about sidney? would love to get in her head. reporter: as the group walks down the hallway, the moms stare at the screen, still hopeful their daughters will turn back. they leave the school and walk straight towards the suv. what will they do now? oh, my god, they re going to get in. there they go. are they seriously trusting you with their van? yeah, i m very trustworthy. are you sure you re okay to drive? they re asking are you okay to drive.
car with this guy? parents watch as our hidden cameras capture their children s choices unfolding in real time. it s an eye opener. some kids will blow it it. others will make a right choice. no drinking and driving. how do you make sure your teen makes good decisions? parents can have a tremendous influence on their kids. much more so than they think. natalie morales with my kid would never do that. thanks for joining us. it s something we all worry about, how would our kids handle a tricky or dangerous situation when we re not around. natalie morales joins us for a look at kids and cars. it is that nail-biting moment for parents giving your kids the keys to the family car.