LISBON Low bids opened Wednesday by Columbiana County commissioners for a waterline project in Leetonia and a Salineville street improvement project landed
LISBON Low bids opened Wednesday by Columbiana County commissioners for a waterline project in Leetonia and a Salineville street improvement project landed
LISBON Low bids opened Wednesday by Columbiana County commissioners for a waterline project in Leetonia and a Salineville street improvement project landed below engineer cost estimates. “I think we’re pretty happy with the numbers we see,” county Port Authority Recovery Coordinator Bobby Ritchey said. Ritchey and county Director of Economic Development Tad Herold attended […]
LEETONIA A springboard for future development and resources to get the job done that’s what the Global Investment Hub in the former NRM plant in Leetonia offers foreign companies. That was the message delivered Friday afternoon when all the stakeholders in the project gathered to cut the ribbon and celebrate the transformation of […]