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years. this is one of those matters where the critics suggest ed it may be just a matter of time before we start seeing more serious problems like what we just saw out in california, anderson. number of incidents isn t moving up, why do they think they ll see more serious problems? a very fair question. many people in the industry say, look, there s no evidence of it. what they re saying is this is just like what we ve seen in the mining and oil industries, anderson. fundamentally, there are just not enough inspectors out there. the federal pipeline and hazardous material safety administration is under-funded. so, most of the inspections are left up to the states, which, in turn, often rely on guess what. we ve heard this refrain before. they rely on the companies themselves to keep track of potential problems. the very thing that gentleman was describing there. they go out and look and say is anything wrong here? the head of this agency, howe r however, says she inherited years