/PRNewswire/ Ortek announced today the widespread availability of its ECD device, which provides dental professionals a new diagnostic tool for the early.
/PRNewswire/ Ortek announced today the widespread availability of its ECD device, which provides dental professionals a new diagnostic tool for the early.
neil: finally, i don t blame president obama for all the problems folks are having after hurricane sandy, but i do blame president obama for all the taking bows for supposedly addressing those problems ahead of hurk sandy. and all his get out the help quick officials who didn t remotely get out the help quick since those problems with hurricane sandy. i want to thank howard glazer and the whole emergency team here as well as all our colleague, federal officials, fema, et cetera, and the local officials working as a coordinated effort. i d like to thank the governor and his team for great job they have done. we are making progress and have been making progress since the storm. today you hear nothing but good things about fema. everybody sitting around the table made at it number one priority.
power, no heat, no water, and now no real help. a reporter was the first guy to spot one of the signs. matthew, what did they say? and how many of them are out there? guest: we have only seen one so far that said fema office is closed because of weather but reporters across the city in the worst hit sites by sandy found fema centers have been closed because of the nor easter yesterday and today. one in the rockaways will not open until tomorrow. neil: what do the centers do when they up and running? guest: the centers are supposed to provide information and ways to sign up for fema services and reimbursements things like finding temporary housing after your house is destroyed but what is confusing to many of the folks i spoke to, they are coupled with food distribution centers, clothing distributionsts run by the city, the state and volunteers and if they see one sign that says it is closed they are confused and frustrated and they think everyone is shut down. neil: did t
0 neil: thank you for your insight, michael. the stuff gets coordinated and sometimes botched when everyone is not on the same page. michael brown was warning about this and we know about it. look what happened at the corner of wall and broad today. remember what happened yesterday in we added to that today. could it have anything to do with the number 53 the days we have now until every u.s. household is going to get hit and hit hard? they are doing squat. i am not talking about fema i m talking about all of washington before the excuse was nothing can be done until after the election.