that is now shone its ugly head. nobody paid it any attention last week when speaker boehner himself dared to mention the so-called knuckle draggers in his party. the hard right wild men who believe the president s a secret muslim invader, that women who have an abortion or use an iud be treated as murderers. now comes this republican candidate in missouri, todd akin, talking about legitimate rape, and, spouting some cave man theory that sex, which is forced, cannot result in pregnancy. finally, we meet the missing link. the evidence that the party of lincoln cannot get in bed with the most freakish elements of the right, the birthers and the pe this menagerie and not become, itself, a freak show. let s state it right clearly up front. a woman forced to have sexual relations at the threat of harm is a victim of rape. there are no qualifiers, no area of legitimacy or little legitimacy. and by the way, as the great michael kinsley put it, in politics, a gaffe is when you say wh
right wing assault on women, this cave man view of the sexes. that is now shone its ugly head. nobody paid it any attention last week when speaker boehner himself dared to mention the so-called knuckle draggers in his party. the hard right wild men who believe the president s a secret muslim invader, that women who have an abortion or use an iud be treated as murderers. now comes this republican candidate in missouri, todd akin, talking about legitimate rape, and, spouting some cave man theory that sex, which is forced, cannot result in pregnancy. finally, we meet the missing link. the evidence that the party of lincoln cannot get in bed with the most freakish elements of the right, the birthers and the personhood nuts and all the rest of this menagerie and not become, itself, a freak show. let s state it right clearly up front. a woman forced to have sexual relations at the threat of harm is a victim of rape. there are no qualifiers, no area of legitimacy or little legitimac