PLAINFIELD Several residents criticized the decision to bring in the neighboring Ashfield Police Department to investigate allegations of racial bias and sexual harassment against a police sergeant who was subsequently not reappointed by the police.
PLAINFIELD A special meeting of the Plainfield Select Board drew more than a dozen people, although most had to leave after the board voted to go into executive session “to consider the discipline or dismissal of or to hear complaints or charges.
PLAINFIELD Residents named speeding, burglaries and random gunfire as their top concerns in a recent survey on the police and policing in town.While many people who took the survey said they didn’t have enough information or interaction with police.
PLAINFIELD For more than five decades, Ed Morann has served as a member of the Plainfield Fire Department, one of many ways the former police chief and highway superintendent has served his community. That era came to an end earlier this month when.