Ahead of the June 1 Whole School Open Day, Canberra Girls Grammar School students have wowed more than 2000 guests with their feature-length production of Disney’s "The Little Mermaid".
Credits: mtishows.com
April 19, 2021 at 9:34 PM
HOLMDEL, NJ - The show will go on this year as Holmdel Theatre Guild (HTG) presents a streamed performance of their winter musical, Disney’s The Little Mermaid. This production marks a triumphant return to the stage for members of the drama club at Holmdel High School after last year’s production was postponed on opening night, and eventually cancelled, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Guild planned to present a live performance in the HHS auditorium, but quickly shifted to a recorded performance after mounting difficulties made that impossible. “This show is a testament to the collaborative spirit of theatre and the passion and joy that theatre students at Holmdel High School bring to their art,” said director and district Theatre teacher, Dr. Jim DeVivo. “We made a promise to each other at the beginning of the year that no matter what, no matter when, and no matter how, the show will go on