Wendy Williams is BACK! Are You Ready?? The former shock jock we have all come to know and love for her daytime TV diva antics has a rare message for fans
threw my keys yeah. it was very, very exciting and was such good news and then i yeah. and, then yeah. we wer and, then, i broke down crying all just in tears. and, then, we all started crying. and i said, i can t believe it. i can t believe it oh, my god. i gotta call diane well, i m at work. and sh goes, diane, hey, how you doin ? i said, i m fine. and i m thinking, great, more bad news, cause every phon call had been kinda, like, yeah, it s not him. she goes, we ve got a match. i m like just blown over and i m overwhelmed and i could hear the emotions in her voice. and and she says, yeah, we v got a match. and said, this is how it happened. and i goin - wow just like on tv, huh? [laughter] and goes, yeah, it does happen. diane then called brittani,