Today is supposed to be about love, I know. And it still is! Crime still exists on days like Valentine's, though. Even some of the most heinous acts, even in small-town Iowa.
Iowans Share the Stories of How they Met Their Significant Others
Sometimes it s love at first sight. and sometimes it s not!
In honor of Valentine s Day on Sunday, we decided to get a little romantic this morning. We asked all the happy couples out there in Eastern Iowa to share with us the story of how they met!
Judging from the comments, more and more people are meeting their future significant others online, on either social media or dating apps. I know quite a few people in great relationships that started on Tinder or Bumble, but I just can t bring myself to participate! I had Tinder for approximately 45 minutes before I called it quits. I guess I hope that I ll eventually meet someone the old-fashioned way.