Your success on LinkedIn is totally up to you. It’s all about how much effort you put into it and how consistent you are about building your network and your personal brand through high-impact, high value content. It’s all about career development and professional connections.
People are searching for you online. They may go to your web bio, going to LinkedIn as well to check you out. LinkedIn paints picture of you and your professional background than web site bio because it showcases your entire professional history and body of work.
In the saturated and competitive legal market of present day, it’s just not enough to be the very best at what you do to keep bringing in new business and to stay top of mind with clients, prospects and referrals. Networking, speaking, writing, podcasts for lawyers to be on.
Start-ups are in a rush to do everything, including building their brand. But some things can't be done in a hurry beyond a point. The price can be heavy.