At the age of 58, Venkatesh Prabhu started running. Kiron Kukreja started strength training at 88. They are proof that neither retirement nor old age should keep people from finding their way to fitness.
Residents of The Hogeweyk dementia care facility in the Netherlands, the first of its kind in the world, live in a neighbourhood setting totally different to a traditional care home.
Indian women in their 80s, 90s and even older are competing in athletics events and inspiring people the world over. Some of them share for the Post their formulas for ageing well.
Actor Chris Hemsworth fasted to stave off ageing for his Disney+ Limitless series. Studies on mice show intermittent or periodic fasting, and temporary dietary restrictions, may help extend their lives.
Tsoi Wing-cheung, 62, quit smoking on the day of Hong Kong’s handover from Britain to China in 1997. His passion for running and sport, he says, helped him kick his 20-year smoking habit.