steve: he hit it into the net. ainsley: he by the himself. staph staph carlos started out slow. ainsley: djokovic won. steve: 6-1 in the beginning. cuff tell what we did over the weekend. ainsley: it was raining. we were glued to the tv. brian: how about tour de france. it turns out during the tour de france. we are watching them on bikes went really fast. 52 million meters into the event a spectator holding a cell phone trying to do what they do best a selfie, as you see this take place they are circled inadvertently touched an american writer and caused him and several other writers to fall. ainsley: 24 other riders. brian: that s why you wear a helmet. play-by play analysis of the selfie guy who caused the crash, the writer goes down he takes out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 at least 10 riders and maybe more there going down in that crash.