1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding. Remarks: Friday, September 20th No important event this day, Hove Too during the Night, for fear
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding. Remarks: Thursday, September 19th At 7 P.M. being in the Lat. of St. Anthony, I deemed
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding: Remarks, Tuesday, August 6th Moderate and pleasant weather, at 4 p.m. made the Island of New
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding: Remarks, Tuesday, June 25th Commences clear and pleasant, wind fresh from the Eastward. Standing in for