Professors. This portion is an hour and 10 minutes. Subcommittee will come to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time. This subcommittee is convening our third in the series of Climate Change hearings, focusing on recovery, resiliency and readiness with Natural Disasters. I recognize myself for 5 minutes to give an Opening Statement. Y as i mentioned, this hear suggest the third in a series of hold to congress. After examining the history of the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change and the Public Health effects of Climate Change in our first two hearings, the today the subcommittee turns to the impact of claimant change on Natural Disasterrers. First, were going to illustrate how Natural Disasters are made both more intense and more frequent, due to Climate Change. Climate change is real and were constantly reminded of that fact in terrifying ways. Just two weeks ago, it was reported that greenland lost 2 billion tons of ice
Of Climate Change and Natural Disaster preparedness efforts. The House Oversight and reform subcommito environment heard from witnesses including james wit and Atmospheric Science professors. This portion is an hour and 10 minutes. Subcommittee will come to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time. This subcommittee is convening our third in the series of Climate Change hearings, focusing on recovery, resiliency and readiness with Natural Disasters. I recognize myself for 5 minutes to give an Opening Statement. Y as i mentioned, this hear suggest the third in a series of hold to congress. After examining the history of the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change and the Public Health effects of Climate Change in our first two hearings, the today the subcommittee turns to the impact of claimant change on Natural Disasterrers. First, were going to illustrate how Natural Disasters are made both more intense and more frequent, due to